it was really a nice morning outside - actually cool, clear skies, all that. we had the windows cracked on the way into work. while stopped at a red light the sounds were very serene - the traffic noise seemed sedated compared to other mornings.
then came a guy on a motorcycle. this motorcycle had no muffler (i'm guessing - what do i know about engines), was idling beside us, engine revving, very, very loudly. the light turned green and it sped off. i may not be a smart man, but i know what loud is (forrrrresst...).
why? why in the world? is there something cool about loud engines?
i'm starting to think most assinine things males do is related to some sort of napoleonic complex. has anyone ever noticed how alot of short men drive big trucks? overcompensation has to be the clearest indicator of insecurity there is. i think alot of men who live the big-male-bravado lifestyle (football face-painting, big diesel trucks, plaid, john deere hats, guns, racial slurs, hunting, etc.) are wrought with doubts about their own sexuality on a subconscious level.
i don't get this. social stigmas associated with those things are probably more male-oriented than, let's say, shopping for shoes, but associating oneself with those symbols seems like a really primordial way of compensating for some other perceived shortcoming.
why not just wear a shirt that says "i am straight. i will kick your ass"?
and of course i don't think all this applies to everyone (there's no such thing as a blanket rule). yes you can like football without being insecure - that's not what i'm saying. but in our current cultural climate you have to at least acknowledge the increasing prevalence of this big-swinging-dick mindset.
kind of off-topic, but not really: it's like 9/11 gave the overcompensators the excuse they were secretly and subconsciously (let's hope it was subconsciously) pining for to blow something up. all in an effort to cathardically exorcise pent-up male agression they generated to counteract their fear of being gay. or something.
can't i like shoe-shopping and poontang?
album of the jour: thingy to the innocent
1 comment:
I think your concluding question captures that insight in a very compelling way.
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