Wednesday, October 06, 2004

have we met? shall we dance?

favorite moment from last night was when cheney got up and cabbage-patched to the milkshake song when edwards commended him on his having a gay daughter. and it doesn't bother me that dick was the only person to vote against freeing nelson mandela - i always hated those glasses he wore and that insanely annoying laugh.

noooo, that was charles nelson riley. nevermind. cheney's an ass. a robotic sucker of souls.

please people, let's all vote these losers out.

toilet tidbit of the week: the bathroom door in our offices is usually open, but the boss man closes it sometimes after he uses it. it therefore terrifies me to have to open that door - who knows what evil lurks behind? why would you close a bathroom door after using it? does it not need airing out?

slow day in the life when i write about minor bathroom inappropriateness. derp.

album of the jour: coldplay a rush of blood to the head

it pains me to admit it, but this is a good album.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go in there. When someone closes the bathroom door behind them it means they made a stinky.

Phillip said...

i think the lies that come oout of cheney's mouth are just regular bodily functions.

i was listening to air america when they were talking about how edwards pointing out that dick has a gay daughter was a bad move b/c it humanized him. i'm with you though, i think it made edwards come across as a nice guy in addition to making sure that those neo-con supporters of the president were aware of the fact. plus cheney came back with nothing but a "thank you" after edwards talked about the pointlessness of the federal marriage amendment. i thought it was good.

bunny said...

Hmm - my conspiracy-plagued mind might speculate that the genuine thanks Cheney expressed was for Edwards humanizing his stone-hearted lizard ass.

Kata said...

hmm..seems to me that Cheney and The Thing Behind the Bathroom Door are oddly related...

the hun said...

In my lil opinion, it was interesting because clearly this is an issue where Cheney differs from Bush. He didn't out and say that directly, but he basically explains that he thinks it should be left up to the states, and that Bush is sort of on his own with the Constitutional Amendment thing. He said "I support the President" and left it at that...

I strongly dislike the guy, but at least he's got some depth to his character.

Edwards brought it up because it's a wedge issue, and the Kerry/Edwards campaign is trying to seduce the ultraliberals away from the Nader Nation.

Phillip said...

i don't think it's evidence of his depth of character, quite the contrary. he is willing to tow the party line even at the expense of his own family's wellfare and his personal beliefs. that insinuates that he is even more shallow a person than one may have thought.

the hun said...

Well, of course he's going to toe the line, it's an election year. BUT he (albeit very quietly) dissented from the President's opinion, on natl tv. I dunno, it just stuck out a little for me.

I mean, in our parents' generation he would have just locked his daughter in an insane asylum.

Phillip said...

i will begrudgingly concede that it is a mixed signal at best. the fact that he would even consider downplaying his daughter's lifestyle because of party allegiance just infuriates me. it's like he knows homosexuality is nothing to be ashamed about but still keeps up the guise of a staunch, right-wing, traditional-values no-rights-for-people-not-like-me republican. it's just evidence that he values his job (i.e. money) more than his beliefs.

Anonymous said...

You guys are a remarkably curious bunch of emotionally hijacked individuals. Suggestion: Consider consulting your gray cells before publishing your verbiage.