Tuesday, July 27, 2004

send me

is it wrong that i was sexually aroused by the time "strength and wisdom are not opposing values" came around?  and although i respect and agree with not over-lambasting the president at the convention this year, wouldn't it just have been euphoric to hear bill clinton lace into him?  nonetheless, really exciting stuff.  and jimmy carter almost sounded like jonathan edwards.  teresa heinz kerry is speaking tonight, and if you're not at least interested in hearing her just read this article by arianna huffington.

i'm in the office (suite) with only the boss-man right now and he just locked himself in the tech room (where we do hardware stuff) and told me to tell all who call to "fuck off".  there must be a steel-caged death match going on in there between him and a server.  he's generally an amiable guy but has been temperamental of late.  all are entitled i guess, but i'm walking on eggshells (whoa oo whooa-ooaa - thanks to katrina and her waves) nonetheless.

high-five experiment update:  haven't been in public yet.  i did try to high-five my cat but she just kept sleeping.

album du jour:  curve  open day at the hate fest 

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