Monday, July 26, 2004

cat's eye

micromanaging my days really makes time go by excruciatingly slow.  it's all about ignoring time, but how can you do that when you're suffering (i.e. at work)?  i should harness my chi, re-arrange office furniture, light a candle, say a novina, kneel to mecca, meditate, masturbate, take a deep breath, anything to forget about time.  this has been a problem ever since i read that fucking margaret atwood book.

seeing people do the high-five is really a funny thing.  i think i'm going to start high-fiving everyone.  especially strangers.  maybe with an emphatic "oh yeah" add-on.  i think a stranger would be more apt to high-five you back than someone you know - it's pretty awkward to leave someone hanging.

album du jour:  curve  pubic fruit 


oyster said...

Hi-fiving strangers... I love the idea.

Their friends ask,
"who was that?"
"I don't know"
"Then why did you hi five"
"I couldn't leave him hanging!"

Keep us posted on the experiment.

Phillip said...

plus you'll give them something interesting to talk about and puzzle over, even if only for a minute. especially the elderly. i have no problem being fodder for others' conversations.