Tuesday, July 27, 2004

because we can never have enough ann coulter

from her usatoday article that was not published:

"...My pretty-girl allies stick out like a sore thumb amongst the corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie chick pie wagons they call "women" at the Democratic National Convention."

i find it ironic that ann is here pictured standing on the grave of joe mccarthy, considering the two would probably have been quite fond of each other.  and a little pity for me, please, for having to peruse images of ann coulter (what kind of pundit has a photo gallery of themselves on their own web site?) before finding a post-worthy one.


Phillip said...

i would say a little from column b, a lot from column a

oyster said...

Tbogg's post on this was funny in a very gross and disturbing way.
