i succumbed to modern technological trendy bastardism and got a cell phone. i think i arrived at the cellular party fashionably late enough. now i can audioblog from the club, from some stranger's bedroom, and eventually from jail. i thought about getting the camera flip-phone but i wouldn't go a month without breaking it. the one i bought looks like i could drop it at least a couple of times, which is likely considering my predilection for all the drunk-dialing.
who doesn't like the drunk-dialing?
speaking of which, the case awaits.
I don't think they'll let you have the phone in jail, unless you manage to hide it in a certain anatomical location, but I'll bet they strip search you, too. And if not, they we will be getting some very disturbing booty calls, so no jail for you ;)
as it happens i do store certain accessories in certain compartments, but that particular one is currently occupied by... ummm.... i guess what used to be tostitos. usually when i go out i have the foresight to clean out the trunk to make room for things i'll need in prison. it makes me very popular in the public pens.
do it - i'll put on my chastity belt and whip out my little pink mafia membership card for safety's sake
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