Wednesday, August 11, 2004

wal-mart is the devil

i'd rather not do my shopping at wal-mart out of principle, but i am a man (ha!) of modest means and am unfortunately relegated to doing so at the moment. grocery shopping at wal-mart is tantamount to being beaten with a bag of oranges (yes i would know). all wal-mart shoppers are mentally challenged - they all have to stop and hold up cart traffic so they can save three cents on corn niblets. let's not even touch on the parking lot situation. personally i never browse or impulse buy when i go shopping; i hate being there and flee as fast as possible after some succinct product-snatching. but what would be a nobler alternative to shopping at wal-mart? albertson's? super one? they're not exactly mom-and-pop outfits you know.

i also filled my new perscriptions yesterday and am very contented right meow, very contented. my paxil cr is good - prior doses have not had a noticeable effect on your humble narrator (apparently the new dosage turns me into malcolm macdowell). the xanax i'm going to save for the weekend, since the "controlled release" aspect of it worries me - i don't want to be dragging all through work. not tomorrow anyway. when i picked up my scrips from the pharmacy the girl behind the counter said i was a "lucky guy". let's hope so.

i gave myself a kickass haircut that i can make look respectable for work, but that easily morphs into a moderate mohawk upon request; i feel like a punk semi-super hero. yes, there's nothing more indignatious and riotous and punk-rock than a moderate mohawk you only wear away from the office. maybe if my boss didn't have such an affinity for fishing (and we all know what that means don't we my droogs), i would give it a shot.

album du jour: faithless no roots

the song "mass destruction" will resonate with alot of people, the ones that read this blog-rag anyway. dido plays drums. me likey dido in a non-friend way. the website is very good.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean about the supermarket! Although it might seem trivial to some, this is a HUGE dilemma for me. Albertsons sucks ass. I have decided. The people suck ass, the prices suck ass, the stupid Albertsons discount card sucks ass, and they aren't consistant with their product selection.

So I'm trying to go to Super One, no matter how convenient. Perhaps Target? I don't know... it's such a sucky situation.

At any rate, I've found Fresh Pickins and the Farmers Market (local farmers, sweet!) a refreshing alternative for produce.

Phillip said...

fresh pickins is awesome, i do get all my produce from there. i like target, but it's pretty much in the same arena as the others. albertson's is WAY expensive but has the better selection.... maybe i'll just buy some chickens and eat eggs the rest of my life and farm stuff. farming depresses me though.

another reason to hate wal-mart - their female employees make seventy cents on the dollar compared to the males. there is a huge class action lawsuit going on right now.

Ian McGibboney said...

My problem is much the same as yours, phizz; I am a shopper in Lafayette who does a considerable amount of shopping at night, simply because of my work schedules. Four years ago I had lots of 24-hour options, but you know that lovely Bush economy...

Wal-Mart is where I get Tombstone Taco pizzas, White Castle hamburgers and Flamin' Hot Cheetos. Albertson's is my second choice for its hours and choices. But my favorite is Adrien's, because it just straddles the line between locally owned store and supermarket conglom. Farmer's market will have to be checked out soon. Thanks for the idea.

Layla/Jane (whichever you prefer) said...

I'm still convinced that they attempt to brainwash their employees through use of the CBL's.