Tuesday, July 13, 2004

cognitive dissonance

warning: i'm about to wax political. sorry, but these days one needs to preach it up real nice now and then to stave off homicidal inclinations.

it blows my mind how the president can go on television one day claiming that the country is now safer as a result of its war on terror (whatever) and the next day have his office of "homeland security" secretary insinuate that the election may have to be postponed in case of a possible terrorist attack.

oh sweet jesus, orange! run away! run away!

another outrage i have is the following defense of our iraqi invasion: "saddam hussein was a tyrant who gassed his own people and the world is better off without him". yes, i agree, everyone agrees, right on, testify, amen, no one ever said otherwise. but if we're so concerned with international humanitarian issues, and that is our only salient rationale concerning iraq (since the al-quaeda link has been proven bogus, man), then expound on the fact that our government refuuses to do anything but chat about the genocide occurring in sudan. tens of thousands murdered and over a million homeless.

i guess third-world african nations with few petroleum resources don't count. it makes me physically weary that such blatant hypocrisy has no effect on public opinion.

ralph nader - it's great to be idealistic and rally for a third party, just great. but it will take alot more than lambasting the flaws of the two-party system once every three-and-a-half years. developing a serious third party in this country would take an immense movement, and nader, being no dullard, must know this. so why only speak up during the presidential campaign season? and isn't accepting campaign contributions from the groups you speak out against (the oregon family council for one - would kill all gays if they could) sort of a conflict of interest?

i'm sorry ralph, you're off my christmas card list. no more bundt cake. no more bundt cake for anyone!

album du jour: mellowdrone a demonstration of intellectual property


oyster said...

Why punish everyone if only Ralph is naughty?

I love me some holiday bundt cake.

Anonymous said...

Preach on my brotha, I'm not too fond of bunt cake anyway.

Phillip said...

predetermination - i think "predestination" is more apt for what you're talking about (apt, by the way, means appropriate).

you're absolutely right, i should work on my faith more. at the moment though, i only pray to god on tuesdays and thrusdays, monday i kneel to mecca, wednesday is pagan's night down at city bar (free mutton joints and we dance in the moonlight), fridays i do this agnostic thing where we just hug and consolidate each other for being condemned, or maybe saved... we're not sure. saturday of course is temple, and i rest on the seventh day.

although, if the prez. gets all his orders from god, as he claims, then maybe god isn't a know-it-all after all? i mean, i think god could find big weapons in the desert. no? or maybe be able to find a six-foot saudi on a respirator? and with god at the helm, why all the failed businesses? the crappy economy? god could probably also speak english rather fluently i would imagine (and maybe other languages?).

asa lama lakum. oh right, and peace.