currently i am on the second floor of the lafayette public library, looking out over the rather delapidated downtown area. at least my view is delapidated. as i have little else to do, i decided to break out the laptop and write away as i wait for 5:00 (when cindy gets off).
after my vision tomfoolery at the blind center i should be getting some insanely powerful reading glasses (no doubt they'll be the height of fashion) and some peripheral device to hook up to my computer that will in essence woork like a closed-circuit tv (also to aid in reading). i can't say whether i'll actually use this stuff or not - alot of times they seem like good ideas when i'm testing them out but are later abandoned out of laziness. i really would like to be able to actually read the articles in my magazines instead of fumbling through titles and pawing at the pretty pictures.
this morning on cnn i watched nearly the entire length of some congressional hearing concerning iraq and supposed wmd's they had stockpiles of and when. david kay, the former chief inspector, discussed how no actual weapons were found to be in the ocuntry. yet several quotes were brought up from cheany, bush, et. al. pre-war proclaiming that iraq did indeed have the bombs. so now it's a question of whether or not the intelligencfe was bad or whether the white house exaggerated certain facts to gain support for the war. at any rate, it's a big quagmire of who-did-what (i just want to know what you knew and when you knew it senator). personally i think much of the hard evidence was skewed pre-war into pro-war propaganda by the bush administration, but of course my opinion is influenced by the fact that i hate them, and of course the fact that they're all liars hell-bent on self interests (as evidenced by the lucrative iraqi rebuilding contracts that went only to american companies with direct ties to rumsfeld and cheaney). i recognize the fact that all politicians are basically liars and crooks, republican or democrat, but bush and co. just seem so brazen and unconcerned with any type of consequences their selfish actions may warrant that it seems to me that they think they can wield free reign. it's always the lesser of evils with politics.
so it's 4:47 and almost time to skedaddle. i'll be a million bucks i'm going to have sex tonight. sex is a funny thing - if you hadn't had it in a while and you want to make that good first impression by being spectacular you can't perform worth shit (from a male perspective), but when you are getting it regularly and you know you're going to keep getting it regularly you have the capacity to be a fucking tiger, when really you don't need to. i think that's one of those cosmic practical jokes.
i feel a cold coming on. and fuck, i was just about over the last one. god damn you universe!!!! you and your twisted sex jokes!!!!!
album du jour: further seems forever the moon is down
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