ever notice how, no matter how low your self-image, when you see yourself in a photograph it's always worse than you think. especially with a flash - it's not as if i look pale like a vampire as it is, but i think my complexion actually reflects the light causing my face to look...well...illuminated (which it never does otherwise. usually i'm try for very dark and brooding - the whole byronic thing). i just need to get my hands on some adobe photoshop and i'll be sated.
speaking of satiation, i just bought donnie darko on dvd, in an effort to beef up my somewhat paltry dvd collection. i also would like to unload some of my vhs's, although i doubt i could find buyers for some of them. i really just want to free up space on my desk, so i have a clutter-free space upon which to bang my head when the mood strikes me. i don't think that's unreasonable. goddamned clutter. makes me want to hit my head on the.....oh. fuck.
album du jour: burnside project the networks, the circuits, the streams, the harmonies
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