postscript to previous post:
i was thinking of raising sheep on my remote property in the wooded northwest (in the movie angela's ashes the kids masturbate while watching sheep... but that has nothing to do with anything. seriously. i don't do that.), but since sheep are ostensibly what's driving me to evade civilization in the first place, i'll leave the metaphoric in the past.
also: bush and kerry are statistically tied in houston, tx
"also: bush and kerry are statistically tied in houston, tx"
That just made my day!
i know isn't that awesome :O)
I didn't even know they made "Angela's Ashes" into a movie. Shows how much I pay attention. Good book, though.
Would you happen to have a reference for the Kerry/Bush poll in Houston?
i heard it on air america. i tried googling but couldn't find anything, sorry.
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