Friday, February 27, 2004


to all white (and black - all this is really unbecoming for anyone) people - heretofore please refrain from using the following words/phrases as slang: da bomb, mad (as in "my boy got mad skills"), sick (as in "my boy's skills is sick"), props, mad props, no you didn't, don't go there, talk to the hand, hella. also, desist making the following gestures: raising the roof, air quotes, air fisty, crouching tiger hidden dragon. i don't know if that last one's a move. at any rate, when did jargon become so nauseating and obnoxious. it doesn't even come across as remotely cool, just borderline retarded. perhaps a little too much abbreviation. try to decipher a modern-day hip-hop song - it's like trying to understand kenny.

album du jour: death cab for cutie tranatlanticism

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