Friday, February 13, 2004

requiem for a something-or-other

i realized when i woke up last evening that i only have about 3 basic dreams. one involves either my parents yelling at me or me yelling at them (very vulgarly, maliciously). the second is that i'm still waiting tables and i'm in the weeds (restaurant term meaning busy as fuck) with people pulling me in all different directions. the third is that i am still in school - ranging from middle through college - and i have some critical test coming up in a class which i haven't been to in months (often times graduation hinges upon it). i understand that these are probably the situations in my life which have caused me the most stress, but i haven't experienced them in quite some time (at least two years), with the exception of that first one. what's worse is that i almost prefer having these as opposed to the good dreams, when i wake up and am thoroughly disappointed at my comparative reality. it's like going to the movie theater and seeing a great movie and being taken out of your life for a couple of hours, then getting slammed back down to earth when the lights come up. not a great sensation.

album du jour: stars heart

i really wish i knew how to make music play when a website opens up. if someone out there is privy to said information please let me know and i'll send you a cookie.

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