Wednesday, February 04, 2004


i saw on this program on the discovery channel yesterday about baboons, which are essentially large apes. did anyone know that they eat smaller monkeys? they showed one capture a spider monkey or something and just tear it apart like rush limbaugh going at a chicken wing (hiiiooooo). it was one of the most disturbing images i've ever seen - rather like seeing a big hairy human eating a smaller hairy human. some humans probably should be eaten though, and not in that good way.

why do i waste so much time playing these senseless word games. i bet i spend about an average of two hours a day playing fucking text twist on msn. i guess i'm just a natural born fan of mindless repitition. i don't like complicated computer games or playstation games (not really), just these simple card and word games. even in my recreation i'm lazy. how about that.

and speaking of the confounded playstation, i checked out some dvd's from the local library and the fucker won't play them. i get all situated in my bed with my tasty beveage, turn off the lights, looking forward to a quality couple of hours, insert the dvd and the fucker won't play. i don't take well to this ilk of disappointment.

album du jour: phaser sway

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