Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Valentine's Day is starting to become my favorite time of year. I realized that I actually enjoy being embittered by the whole charade of showing someone you love them on just one day of the year by buying sugar and flowers that die within a week. Maybe I'd feel different if I ever get "in love" and get that trippy dopamine flowing. Not that I'm being a total negative Nancy , it's just not really in-line with my persona.

But is it strange to sometimes find comfort in bitterness or depression? It's probably not a great thing that familiarity with negative emotions breeds comfort, but isn't it better to embrace and accept certain truths, such as sadness and anger, than be constantly at odds with them? I say anger but really I mean bitterness. Anger is something I try not to hold onto.

Positive spin: I save money by being single on V-day. And just about every other day of the year except maybe April 15.

1 comment:

Lord Fondleberries said...

another positive is that you won't be contracting any venereal diseases on v day. yay you!

lord f

if you were wondering: my word verification is emamdksw.